Thursday, August 21, 2008

I hope it's not too late...

It is time to face up to a very simple and at the same time complex truth... POLITICAL CORRECTNESS has nearly brought this great country to it's collective knees. If you were born in the early 90's you have been brought up (whether your parents agreed or not...) that how someone is feeling is king. The right or wrong of a situation matters little compared to how we all feel about the outcome. God forbid a kid get an F on a report card and feel badly about it! Like Socialism, in a perfect world political correctness and feeling good about everything would be the model. Welcome to an America far less perfect than we have ever been.
The good news is that change is easy. We can do it. We are AMERICANS. That's right. I said change is easy. When we use common sense to make everyday decisions rather than worrying about someones emotional state the change will be seamless. There is right and there is wrong. Life is going to sting sometimes... but that's o.k... it's LIFE!! How does a person experience the "ups" in life when there are no "downs" to compare them to? We need to use our feelings to navigate between right and wrong; not dictate what right and wrong are. This blog is meant to spur discussion about ways using simple common sense can and will get us back to a time when the Hallmark Card Shop had the market cornered on feelings.

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