Wednesday, August 27, 2008

taxmanblog: Dems to Hillary voters..... Get over it.

taxmanblog: Dems to Hillary voters..... Get over it.

Talk Radio and Common Sense...

Who amongst us has really been surprised at the miserable failure Air America has been. I like to brag telling people I KNEW it would be a flop. Sure, they plod along... bleeding a little more here and there. Complete death not far off I hope. How did I know you ask? Simple COMMON SENSE !! Here is a hint; the same reason conservative talk radio is so popular and lucrative. Are you getting it?? The reason I believed strongly that liberal radio was doomed is it makes NO SENSE. Countless times while listening to Air America I swear you could hear the person talking thinking to themselves "I don't believe I believe what I'm saying"... Taking money from hard working Americans and giving it to people who refuse to do there share... Putting the same people who run Medicaid and Welfare in charge of our health care... When you spend twenty four hours a day verbalizing these ideas and you can hear the words... the common sense meter in all of us goes off in their heads telling them "this ain't right". But rather than admit Rush or Sean Hannity might be right they keep verbalizing ideas that make zero sense. And if it has this effect on them think of what it does to the listening audience! People with socialistic, liberal views only think they are liberals. There is something that happens when these ideas take on the spoken word and you hear them over and over... something happens when these ideas hit the atmosphere... These ideas when spoken become infused with common sense. Empty words void of common sense are very hard to market. Ask Air America...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hey Blog...

Just a short howdy this evening if you will allow me. It's late. I started a new job today and ran pretty much all day. I spent my computer time updating some technical stuff around here so my time is short. I did want to mention what I saw on C SPAN this weekend. The "something" black caucus, woman voters or something had their hour on there and it was beautiful to see. How refreshing it is to see colored Americans PROUD to be Americans. To look the national audience square in the face and say "if you don't don't eat". They spent a great deal of time SLAMMING political correctness. I almost stood up and cheered by myself in my own living room. God bless these folks. How ashamed people of color should be when most of their leaders parade them around as victims. I personally could not care less what color someone is... get off your backside and contribute!! This is America. The tools are in place for everyone to do great things. Is it harder for some than others? Sure, it's the hard that makes it great.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Great Website...

Hey guys... I just ran across a great website anyone with children should check out. Here it is... . This is an awesome forum for parents who take an active role in the things that our children see and hear in the media. If you really want to get physically ill go look at the statistics that show just how much our kids have their heads slammed in front of a screen. Be it a television or computer screen. You can compound your illness ten fold when you see what kids are watching. And I'm not just talking about late Friday night when their folks are in bed! I've seen some things on the Cartoon Network that nearly took my breath away. Now... there are some good programs there as well. This is not a blog to slam CN or any other kids programmer. It is however COMMON SENSE to take an active part in PRE veiwing what your kids are looking at, and from what I saw is a wonderful tool in helping parents do just that. Check them out. You can donate to help them continue providing this most valuable service for families.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I hate Bicycle helmuts...!!

I have two sons age nine and ten. They spent hours riding there bikes. The wreck all the time. My youngest boy can crash riding down a flat paved street. The LAST thing I will allow is for the to wear those stupid bicycle helmuts. What kind of common sense does that make you ask? On a small scale, very little if at all. It does however give me the chance to tell people why my boys don't use them... and that for me makes a huge difference. Let me explain... First off , when I was a kid I would have got the crap beat out of me if I wore one of those things. We were brought up that to be tough on occasion was a good thing. Parents didn't sit in chat rooms devising every possible way to ensure their children get through life without a scratch. A scraped knee wasn't given a second glance. Nowadays it's a trip to the emergency room. Living life hasn't changed since I grew up. Life is still hard. Shielding our young people from any harm whatsoever has done nothing but produce a generation of wimps. I find no bigger dis justice to today's youth than this antiseptic approach to child rearing. It make me ill. How these children don't harbour a lifetime worth of resentment towards their parents for throwing them to the wolves of life without a clue of how to deal with it I'll never understand. Kids need to know a little hurt. Know what it's like to bleed a little. They need to bash their heads a little while their still at home so we can help bandage them up. Metaphorical as well as physical. As great and awe inspiring life is it also SUCKS SOMETIMES... God forbid our children know this...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I hope it's not too late...

It is time to face up to a very simple and at the same time complex truth... POLITICAL CORRECTNESS has nearly brought this great country to it's collective knees. If you were born in the early 90's you have been brought up (whether your parents agreed or not...) that how someone is feeling is king. The right or wrong of a situation matters little compared to how we all feel about the outcome. God forbid a kid get an F on a report card and feel badly about it! Like Socialism, in a perfect world political correctness and feeling good about everything would be the model. Welcome to an America far less perfect than we have ever been.
The good news is that change is easy. We can do it. We are AMERICANS. That's right. I said change is easy. When we use common sense to make everyday decisions rather than worrying about someones emotional state the change will be seamless. There is right and there is wrong. Life is going to sting sometimes... but that's o.k... it's LIFE!! How does a person experience the "ups" in life when there are no "downs" to compare them to? We need to use our feelings to navigate between right and wrong; not dictate what right and wrong are. This blog is meant to spur discussion about ways using simple common sense can and will get us back to a time when the Hallmark Card Shop had the market cornered on feelings.