Monday, August 25, 2008

Great Website...

Hey guys... I just ran across a great website anyone with children should check out. Here it is... . This is an awesome forum for parents who take an active role in the things that our children see and hear in the media. If you really want to get physically ill go look at the statistics that show just how much our kids have their heads slammed in front of a screen. Be it a television or computer screen. You can compound your illness ten fold when you see what kids are watching. And I'm not just talking about late Friday night when their folks are in bed! I've seen some things on the Cartoon Network that nearly took my breath away. Now... there are some good programs there as well. This is not a blog to slam CN or any other kids programmer. It is however COMMON SENSE to take an active part in PRE veiwing what your kids are looking at, and from what I saw is a wonderful tool in helping parents do just that. Check them out. You can donate to help them continue providing this most valuable service for families.

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