Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hey Blog...

Just a short howdy this evening if you will allow me. It's late. I started a new job today and ran pretty much all day. I spent my computer time updating some technical stuff around here so my time is short. I did want to mention what I saw on C SPAN this weekend. The "something" black caucus, woman voters or something had their hour on there and it was beautiful to see. How refreshing it is to see colored Americans PROUD to be Americans. To look the national audience square in the face and say "if you don't work...you don't eat". They spent a great deal of time SLAMMING political correctness. I almost stood up and cheered by myself in my own living room. God bless these folks. How ashamed people of color should be when most of their leaders parade them around as victims. I personally could not care less what color someone is... get off your backside and contribute!! This is America. The tools are in place for everyone to do great things. Is it harder for some than others? Sure, it's the hard that makes it great.

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